Bella” Students today we face a very useful topic for those who want to communicate with young people in Italy, or simply want to know what are the expressions of common use among young people.

Shocking” how much the way young people talk has changed since I was a teenager. Today, for example, when I talk to my grandchildren who are between the ages of 14 and 21, I sometimes fail to understand the terms they use. So I had some of them explained to me.

Then “Chamomile” so I make you a list of the new terms in a use among young Italians.

Did you notice that I used the term “Beautiful”? at the beginning of the post to greet you?

We know very well that beautiful is a singular feminine adjective, in this case it is not used to compliment a girl but “Bella” is used by the very young to say goodbye. I mean, it means, “Hi.”

Then I used the term “hallucinatory” This adjective comes from the word hallucination ([al-lu-ci-na-zió-ne]

Hallucination is a phenomenon through which our mind produces images, but it can be applied to any subject to define a particular quality and can be synonymous with bestial, mega, or crazy. For example, I can say: ‘this situation is appalling’ to describe a difficult, strange, out-of-the-ordinary situation. Here in this case I wanted to say that it is “shocking” crazy, incredible how much the way of talking about young people has transformed.

Another word I want to introduce to you is ” Camomillarsi”. I asked you earlier, to “chamomile” calm you down. This verb comes from the word chamomile, chamomile is an infusion with relaxing properties that is used in times of stress, for example, how much you are under examination. From this term comes the verb ” camomillarsi” with which one wants to say ” to calm down” , ” to relax”.

There is another term that young people use a lot in Italian to refer to “camomillarsi” : “Scialla”.

The term, which derives from Romanesque jargon, is an exclamation with which someone is invited to be quiet. “You’re sloppy!”

” Trescare” means “having a tress, that is, a story without commitment” with a boy/girl. I mean, a flirt, a little story.

“Get up”

The verb and all its possible declensions in this case indicate the action of offering or lending something. For example, I can say: ‘Raise me EUR 5 please’, lend me EUR 5 please.

“Sciabbarabba” is a term of Lazio origin, it means loss of lucidity as a result of particular events or even an impulsive reaction devoid of any logic.. For example, I can say. “Yesterday I had a shamboth. Then I’ll tell you.”

“Lemon” Referring to a person, indicates a guy who always surrounds himself with girls who are referred to as “mussels”. Usually in Italy we eat raw mussels seasoned with lemon, so the boys doing this analogy, they have accounted for this adjective.

“Friendzonare” This verb comes from English and refers to a situation in which, despite wanting to have a more intimate relationship with someone, you only have the possibility to be in a friendly relationship with a girl or boy (by the will of the latter). Example: “Despite all his efforts, Maximilian was friendzonated by Sandra”.

“Shawl” students know these are new and difficult terms, but they are also a lot of fun to use. I recommend not to use them with adult people you do not know or with whom you have formal relationships.!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Continue to study italian and do not miss the next article.

See you soon!

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