Ehilà! In reference to the previous article (Coniugare i verbi: il discorso di addio di Chiara Valerio a Michela Murgia we had addressed, among other things, the use of the future tense in Italian. In this article I will try to help you understand some grammar rules regarding the future tense, also through texts and exercises; the solutions are at the end.

Let’s start by saying that Italian has two future times: futuro semplice (simple future) and futuro anteriore (future perfect).

The first, the futuro semplice, is used to talk about what will happen in the future, that is, to speculate on the future; the second, the futuro anteriore, is used instead to talk about something that will happen at some point in the future.

Let’s focus on the futuro semplice for now.

So, there are three conjugations in Italian, which are: –are, –ere e –ire.

Lavorare (to work)        Sorridere (to smile)      Dormire (to sleep)

In the case of verbs ending in –are e –ere we will use the following desinenze ( endings)

io (I)–eròLavoreròSorriderò
tu (you)–eraiLavoreraiSorriderai

[he/she/you (formal)/it]
noi (we)–eremoLavoreremoSorrideremo
Voi (you)–ereteLavorereteSorriderete
loro/essi (they)–erannoLavorerannoSorrideranno

To better contextualize, here are some examples:

• Carlo non sa ancora se lavorerà il prossimo fine settimana → Carlo doesn’t know if he will work next


• Appena ti vedrà, Sofia sorriderà tantissimo! → As soon as she will see you, Sofia will smile a lot!

In the case of the verbs ending in –ire we have following desinenze

io (I)–iròDormirò
tu (you)–iraiDormirai

[he/she/you (formal)/it]
noi (we)–iremoDormiremo
Voi (you)–ireteDormirete
loro/essi (they)–irannoDormiranno

• Laura e Marcello non riescono a dormire sul treno; dormiranno appena saranno a casa → Laura and Marcello

can’t sleep on the train; they will go to sleep as soon as they will be home

As for the verbi ausiliari, essere (to be) e avere (to have), here is the futuro semplice:

io (I)SaròAvrò
tu (you)SaraiAvrai

[he/she/you (formal)/it]
noi (we)SaremoAvremo
Voi (you)SareteAvrete
loro/essi (they)SarannoAvranno

That’s all for today.

If you want to practice the use of the Futuro semplice go on our next post

Alla prossima,

Italiano Adesso

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