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Italiano Adesso2023-10-19T07:39:14+01:00

Qualified Online Italian


My name is Giuseppina De Leonardis and I can teach you online and ensure you enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teacher and I’m ready now to help.

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mother tongue

Qualified Online Italian


My name is Giuseppina De Leonardis . I’m a Cedils Certified teacher and I teach Italian Language and Culture online.

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Creative Learning

I can teach Italian by using the most advanced tools and ensure your progress while make you enjoying learning along the way.

Share and Homework

I can share with you extra materials and give you homeworks to help you consolidate your knowledge.


Rewatch lessons

I will send you a summary of the lesson’s content in order for you to review it and keep record of what you have learned.

Do you want to speak italian?

If you always dreamt about speaking authentic Italian, to chat with locals during your holiday in la bella Italia or your goal is to achieve a major career step working in Italy or for an Italian company speaking authentic italiano then you find the right person to guide you through your Italian language journey.

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The arrival in Shangay


The arrival in Shangay

After happy 12 years in Germany, i moved to Shanghai where I enrolled at the university to learn mandarin and started my career as Italian teacher.

Apart from learning languages I love sports, cooking, practicing yoga and travelling especially in the remote regions of China. Learning mandarin and be able to communicate with locals is a big challenge which makes me reflect on the difficulties of learning and develop new strategies to overcome them and to use this experience during my classes.

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My blog

Tutoring articles and interesting facts about Italian culture and Italian people

COSA C’È NEL PIATTO A OTTOBRE: learn with us some new Italian words and tasty recipes

October 26th, 2023|Categories: Cultura generale|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

    Ehilà! L’autunno sta finalmente facendo la sua comparsa in tutte le sue bellissime forme: foglie gialle, arancioni e rosse sulle strade; aria fresca e limpida; giornate che si accorciano1 sempre di più. Uno dei modi migliori per celebrare il cambiamento

Pensare il futuro come Lucio Dalla

October 21st, 2023|Categories: Grammatica|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Ehilà, ricordate che in un post precedente abbiamo parlato della formazione del Futuro Semplice in Italiano? Se non hai ancora letto il post corri subito a leggerlo Ora è arrivato il momento di fare degli esercizi per praticare l'uso del Futuro Semplice.

L’ora della grammatica: il Futuro semplice, uso e formazione

October 14th, 2023|Categories: Grammatica|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Ehilà! In reference to the previous article (Coniugare i verbi: il discorso di addio di Chiara Valerio a Michela Murgia we had addressed, among other things, the use of the future tense in Italian. In this article I will try to


Articles on Italian tutoring and more about Italian culture

Through my job and a big passion in learning foreign languages myself I have developed a deep understanding of the process of learning languages and decided to accompany you in the journey of learning one of the most beautiful languages in the world, to share my knowledge and tips about learning the language and show the beauty of Italian culture and people.

This is the reason why I created italianoadesso.

Italianoadesso is a platform where you can find useful material  to learn Italian from the basic to the advance level, but most of all is a place where you can truly get in touch with the authentic italiano and the Italian culture.

Through my blog I`ll share grammatical rules or colloquialism while through my podcast I´ll give you an insight in the Italian culture, telling about the persons and the facts that are changing il Bel Paese.

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My Story

Born in Grottaglie, a small town in the sunny and beautiful Puglia, a region in south of Italy, I’m an Italian teacher currently living in China, in the bustling city of Shanghai.

After obtaining a bachelor degree in Modern Foreign languages I have travelled the world working on a cruise ship as a hostess until I decided to move to Germany to learn the language. I was supposed to stay there just 6 months but then I found l`amore, met my husband and decided to made the beautiful city of Stuttgart in south of Germany my home.

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My Story

Growing up with a big passion for foreign languages, during the years I developed strategies to learn languages faster and in a more effective way. I like to design tailored courses for every level and different needs. I like to create and implement lesson plans focused on improve overall Italian proficiency.

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